Frequently Asked Questions

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How much do you charge your sessions ?

50 Minute Session: $150

Package (5 Sessions): $700

Why should I schedule a follow-up and how will it help me?

  • The goal of therapy is to help you understand yourself more deeply. I've spent years gaining a deeper understanding of human behaviour, how the brain works and the dynamics of social relationships.
  • All of these things usually happen outside of our conscious awareness. And it's VERY difficult to 'see' yourself from the outside, which is why it's so important to get help from a therapist.
  • We often find it hard to understand the 'WHY' behind some of our behaviour (we know we're angry, annoyed, hurt ... but we don't know why).
    I'll help you to understand the "WHY" so that you can become more aware.This is important because we can't change something we're not aware of.

Why do I feel hesitant to schedule a call?

  • We're creatures of habit. This makes all changes and transitions difficult. What's more, we have an evolutionary fear of the unknown.
    I hope that my website will be able to answer many "unknowns".
  • However, if you still have concerns about calling me, you can choose to write to me using the contact page.Therapy is also frowned upon by some people.I can assure you that since Freud, things have moved on and you won't be spending the session lying on a sofa.
  • The people who come to see me are not crazy; on the contrary, they are the bravest people who are prepared to ask for help for all the things they don't know.Therapy offers a choice: we can continue to unconsciously reproduce the same patterns and remain stuck in our habits, or we can take a step back and try to understand ourselves better.That's how we change.

How long will it take to feel better?

  • From the very first session, you should feel a great deal of relief simply from talking about your problems and getting them out into the open.
  • After that, it all depends on your commitment and regularity.
  • If you come every week, you can start to feel good within the first month and after a few months you won't need to come and see me any more. It's like with everything, the more committed and regular you are, the more lasting results you'll get.